They say your attitude determines your latitude...
My inspiration for this piece was simple: the hair! Growing up, I remember being the test subject as my sister learned how to braid. There was a lot of parting, then reparting, starting then restarting, and a lot of huffing and puffing on my end for having to sit still for hours at a time. But my “suffering” was soon rewarded with some of the best hairstyles imaginable. I always came to school with flawless braids, each time a different design, each time being asked “who did your hair? Can she do mine?” I would tell my sister, “ it’s amazing what you can create with one bag of Yaki hair”
Drawing the hair for Latitude was very similar to my experience as a kid. A lot of parting, then reparting, a lot of starting then restarting, and a lot of huffing and puffing for sitting still for hours at a time. But the results? Worth it. Although I may not know how to do these cornrows in real life, it’s amazing what you can create with a pencil.
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